AI adventure
31 July 2024

AI adventure

Surabaya, 26 July 2024 - Santa Agnes SMAK students came to the STTS institute and gathered in the auditorium to find out AI adventure information. With high enthusiasm, 107 students explored the importance of AI adventure. This seminar was held from 09.00 to 14.00 WIB, explaining the importance of AI for life and getting to know more about what is on the STTS institute campus.

Welcoming the Students of SMAK Santa Agnes

The students were served batagor along with plain water. After enjoying the meal, they were asked to sign in by scanning the available barcode, and then the seminar began with an opening speech by the MC, Mario Joseph from Business Information Systems, followed by a speech from Dr. Ir. F.X. Ferdinandus, M.T., and then a speech from Mr. Yosep, representing the teachers of SMAK Santa Agnes. This was followed by introductions from the two speakers, Mrs. Lusi and Dr. Yosi Kristian, S.Kom., M.Kom., the Head of the S1 Informatics Program. The seminar is hoped to run smoothly and provide maximum benefit for all attendees.

Department Explanation

The seminar began with an introduction to the departments by Mrs. Lusi as a warm-up before listening to the material from Dr. Yosi Kristian, S.Kom., M.Kom. The first point of discussion was the Data Science Program from Information Systems, which is useful for handling data. Next, the Cloud and Network Tech Program from the D3 Information Systems was discussed, covering Mobile and Cloud Development, Technopreneurship, Network and Security Analysis, Computer Networks, and Database and Information Systems. There was also an explanation of the Creative Content Intelligence Production Program from Visual Communication Design and other departments.

Demystifying Generative AI

First, let’s get to know Mr. Yosi, an expert in the field of information technology and programming. Mr. Yosi has years of experience teaching and developing software and has contributed to various technology projects. Before moving forward, let’s answer a few brief questions about functions from level 1 to level 2, such as multiples of numbers.

Next, we will discuss artificial intelligence (AI), which is currently used for various tasks. AI has become an extremely useful tool for tasks such as video creation, music composition, and much more. AI technology allows us to automate processes that previously required significant skills and time. With AI, we can create multimedia content more efficiently and innovatively, opening new opportunities across various industry sectors.

Campus Tour

After the brief presentation on AI by Mr. Yosi, the participants were invited to tour the STTS Institute campus, divided into seven groups. First, they visited room E4, where Eric Sugiharto, S.SI., M.Kom., a lecturer in Business Information Systems, along with Dr. Ir. Hartarto Junaedi, S.Kom., M.Kom., Head of the Business Information Systems Program, explained about trading and VR technology. The participants then continued their journey to the L1 area for a group photo session.

After the photo session, the participants went up to L4 to create something interesting guided by Ce Jojo, an Electrical Engineering student. They then returned to L1 to make pins and stickers with guidance from Kelvin, S.T., M.M., a lecturer in the S1 Industrial Program. Next, they visited the E3 Creative Room to see works from the Product Design department. The participants also visited the DKV lab, which was designed like a haunted house and featured an interesting exhibition. They then moved to E5, where the students from SMAK Santa Agnes could try playing games using VR. Finally, in room E4, Evan Kusuma Susanto, S.Kom., M.Kom., a lecturer in Informatics, explained how to create stories using AI. After the tour, the students returned to the auditorium for a brief rest.

The activities then continued with a game focusing on questions related to the seminar presented by Mr. Yosi and the campus tour that had taken place. After the game session, prizes were awarded to the winners, and the event concluded with a lively group photo session.

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Google IO Extended 2024

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