Visit of Little Sun Surabaya High School to iSTTS
30 July 2024

Visit of Little Sun Surabaya High School to iSTTS

Little Sun High School Surabaya and the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (iSTTS) have entered into a meaningful collaboration by organizing a visit for Little Sun High School students to the iSTTS campus on July 19 2024. This activity aims to introduce students to the world of engineering campuses. and design, as well as providing insight into the various educational opportunities available at iSTTS. The event started with a warm welcome from the event team, followed by Dr. Ir. F.X. Ferdinandus, M.T. as a representative from iSTTS, and continued by representatives from SMA Little Sun Surabaya.

The first activity of the visit was a seminar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity presented by Ir. Iwan Chandra, S.Kom., M.Kom., a lecturer from ISTTS. This seminar captivated the students, who were eager to learn about advancements in AI technology and the importance of safeguarding personal information in the digital age. The students were guided to understand the threats that can arise from the cyber world and the ways to protect their personal data. Mr. Iwan's explanations provided valuable insights into how AI technology can impact daily life and the crucial role of cybersecurity in maintaining privacy and data security.

Following the seminar, the event continued with a campus promotion session led by the ISTTS New Student Admissions (PMB) team. During this session, the PMB team introduced successful alumni and companies that collaborate with ISTTS to expand career prospects for graduates. They also explained the various scholarships available and the study programs offered by ISTTS, ranging from engineering to design. This information gave the students a clearer picture of the educational and career opportunities they could pursue after graduating from ISTTS.

To add excitement and fun, a Kahoot quiz was held on the topics covered by the PMB team about ISTTS, with attractive prizes for the top three winners. The students were enthusiastic about participating in this session, competing to answer questions quickly and accurately. This lively competition not only made the atmosphere more vibrant but also reinforced the students' understanding of the information provided earlier. After this spirited session, the students were invited to take a break and enjoy the refreshments provided by the event team.

The visit became even more engaging with the exhibition from each department at ISTTS. The students were divided into groups and given time to interact with students and faculty from various departments. They had the opportunity to ask questions related to specific programs and try out tools created by ISTTS students. The exhibition provided a tangible view of what students would learn and develop if they continued their education at ISTTS, such as the works created by the Visual Communication Design (VCD) department and the printing machines used by Industrial Engineering. Direct interaction with students and faculty offered valuable experiences for the students to gain a deeper understanding of each department at ISTTS.

Next, the students were taken on a campus tour. During the tour, they were introduced to various facilities at ISTTS, such as laboratories for the engineering and design faculties, creative spaces, rest areas, and more. The tour provided a comprehensive overview of the conducive learning environment and advanced facilities that support the educational process at ISTTS.

The event concluded with a group photo session as a memento of the visit. The students and the ISTTS staff appeared happy and satisfied with the activities that had taken place. The visit is hoped to motivate students to study harder and pursue their aspirations in science and technology. The experience gained from this visit not only served as an educational opportunity but also as a valuable moment for SMA Little Sun students to get a closer look at higher education and prepare themselves for a bright future.

Google IO Extended 2024

Google IO Extended 2024

On Saturday, July 27, 2024, the Google I/O Extended Surabaya event took place at the Suara Surabaya Centre. The event was chaired by Ong Hansel Santoso, a lecturer from the Business Information Systems department at Institut STTS. The committee was a combination of students from Institut STTS, Google, and other universities.

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Google IO Extended 2024

Google IO Extended 2024

On Saturday, July 27 2024, the Google IO Extended Surabaya event was held at the Suara Surabaya Center. This event was chaired by Ong Hansel Santoso, lecturer from the STTS Institute Business Information Systems study program. The committee is also a combination of students from the STTS Institute and Google as well as students from other campuses.

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AI adventure

AI adventure

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FutureTech Catalyst Technology Workshop: Learning the Internet of Things and Introduction to Programming

FutureTech Catalyst Technology Workshop: Learning the Internet of Things and Introduction to Programming

On July 20 2024, the IEEE Student Branch of the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS) held a technology workshop entitled "FutureTech Catalyst". This workshop focused on two main topics: Internet of Things (IoT) and Introduction to Programming, designed specifically for students -high school students with the aim of broadening their knowledge and skills in the field of technology. This event was opened with a warm welcome from the organizing team and Dr. Joan Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom., ISTTS lecturer to the class they have chosen, namely the IoT class or the Introduction to Programming class.

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Exploring the Potential of AI on the STTS Campus

Exploring the Potential of AI on the STTS Campus

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ITE Law Workshop "Ethics and AI Genes" at Petra 2 Christian High School

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