12 February 2021



(KSP Season 8 Ep 1)

ISTTS again held a KSP Season 8 seminar entitled "AI Inference At The Edge". This first episode of KSP was delivered by Mr. Sandy Ardianto, S.Kom. who is one of the ISTTS alumni. He is currently pursuing his Masters at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan while working as an AI Research Intern at AnaSystem Taiwan.

The seminar, which was held on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, was opened to internal and external participants through the Zoom platform and YouTube live streaming. Pak Sandy opened the KSP with a self-introduction then continued by explaining the material about AI Inference.

Pak Sandy explained that the AI ??development steps are preparing a training dataset, designing a network model, training the network with the existing dataset, then when the network is considered good enough, the inferencing process (deploying the model to the application / service) will begin.

Inference At The Edge is undeniably one of the most interesting things. The advantages of Inference At The Edge compared to Inference In The Cloud are that Inference At The Edge is cheaper in terms of cost and is real-time. Besides that, the required power consumption is also lower. "Power consumption on the Edge is smaller because it uses batteries," explained Pak Sandy.

Pak Sandy gave several examples of the application of AI Inference At The Cloud such as Person Detection At Water Gate Control which is used to detect the presence of people or not near the floodgates to prevent casualties and Lulupet's Smart Cat Litter Box which can be used to detect the health of pet cats.

This can be done by recording and analyzing the cat's weight, habits and number of times. "This tool will also automatically detect the type of cat by looking at the face, fur and weight of the cat so that one tool can be used for several types of cats at once," added Pak Sandy.

The conclusion is that the AI ??trend has now reached the inference stage (can be applied to real cases nowadays) and Inference At The Edge is easier to do than Inference In The Cloud. The application of AI has also been found in many everyday items circulating in the community, such as Face ID and activation (Siri, Alexa, etc.) as well as behavior recognition on smart-watches which can detect user activities (walking, running or sleeping).

Google IO Extended 2024

Google IO Extended 2024

On Saturday, July 27, 2024, the Google I/O Extended Surabaya event took place at the Suara Surabaya Centre. The event was chaired by Ong Hansel Santoso, a lecturer from the Business Information Systems department at Institut STTS. The committee was a combination of students from Institut STTS, Google, and other universities.

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Google IO Extended 2024

Google IO Extended 2024

On Saturday, July 27 2024, the Google IO Extended Surabaya event was held at the Suara Surabaya Center. This event was chaired by Ong Hansel Santoso, lecturer from the STTS Institute Business Information Systems study program. The committee is also a combination of students from the STTS Institute and Google as well as students from other campuses.

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AI adventure

AI adventure

Surabaya, 26 July 2024 - Santa Agnes SMAK students came to the STTS institute and gathered in the auditorium to find out AI adventure information. With high enthusiasm, 107 students explored the importance of AI adventure. This seminar was held from 09.00 to 14.00 WIB, explaining the importance of AI for life and getting to know more about what is on the STTS institute campus.

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FutureTech Catalyst Technology Workshop: Learning the Internet of Things and Introduction to Programming

FutureTech Catalyst Technology Workshop: Learning the Internet of Things and Introduction to Programming

On July 20 2024, the IEEE Student Branch of the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS) held a technology workshop entitled "FutureTech Catalyst". This workshop focused on two main topics: Internet of Things (IoT) and Introduction to Programming, designed specifically for students -high school students with the aim of broadening their knowledge and skills in the field of technology. This event was opened with a warm welcome from the organizing team and Dr. Joan Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom., ISTTS lecturer to the class they have chosen, namely the IoT class or the Introduction to Programming class.

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Visit of Little Sun Surabaya High School to iSTTS

Visit of Little Sun Surabaya High School to iSTTS

Little Sun High School Surabaya and the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (iSTTS) have entered into a meaningful collaboration by organizing a visit for Little Sun High School students to the iSTTS campus on July 19 2024. This activity aims to introduce students to the world of engineering campuses. and design, as well as providing insight into the various educational opportunities available at iSTTS. The event started with a warm welcome from the event team, followed by Dr. Ir. F.X. Ferdinandus, M.T. as a representative from iSTTS, and continued by representatives from SMA Little Sun Surabaya.

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Exploring the Potential of AI on the STTS Campus

Exploring the Potential of AI on the STTS Campus

On Thursday, July 19 2024, an introductory event for the STTS Institute was held for grade 12 students. The opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Ferdi who explained about the STTS Institute which is digital and artificial intelligence (AI) based. In his speech, Pak Ferdi emphasized that AI technologies such as ChatGPT and Gemini will continue to be used in the future. He also emphasized that if AI is used properly, this technology can make various jobs easier. Therefore, he invited students not only to use technology, but also to use it wisely.

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